Empowering people to protect Red Pandas
Join the leader in red panda conservation to save this endangered species.
At Nature Planet we have a continious goal to make a difference and have a positive impact. Therefore, we donate a share of our revenue on selected product ranges to Red Panda Network (RPN).
Red pandas are very unique - the only living member of their own taxonomic family - and are an important flagship species of a biodiversity hotspot. Unfortunately, our planet has lost half of its wild red pandas in just 20 years.
To continue to lead the fight to save the red panda, RPN has adopted a comprehensive stategy called “Plant A Red Panda Home”, which aims to maintain habitat contiguity in the fragmented and historic red panda habitat through restauration activities involving local communities and providing them with green jobs.
Thank you for your support.

Nature Planet donates part of its annual revenue from its Red Panda plush product lines to the Red Panda Network.

With your support we have already made a difference for the red pandas.
Red Panda Networks community based conservation program began in just a few villages in eastern Nepal but have now been replicated in ten districts - 50% of Nepal´s red panda range. Forest Guardians are the heart of their efforts. They are local people who are hired to monitor and protect red pandas and advocate for their conservation.
In eastern Nepal, RPN are establishing the world´s first protected area dedicated to the red pands and are continuing to expand this community-protected forest corridor to remaining red pands range area.
Thankfully, RPN´s hard work is paying of.
Local people are undertsanding the importance of red pandas and are comitting to conservation. And RPN´s data show that the red panda population is growing in Eastern Nepal.
20.000 seedlings
of the total 73.747 that in 2023 were planted within the degraded Red Panda habitat came from Nature Planet.

8 nursery sheds
were constructed in Jaubari and Tumling located in eastern Nepal. Each nursery has an area of 126m2 and they are built of locally available bamboos.

Further impact from your support
- On-going post-planting care of the seedlings in the resoration sites
- 10 hectares of private land purchased
- 8 people received full-time employment in Forest Conservation Nurseries
- 979 days of employment created for local people
Together we make a difference
At Nature Planet we have a goal to make a difference and have a positive impact.
We focus on responsibility and environmental impact when we design and develop our products of the highest quality. Reuse, reduce and recycle is our mantra.
We have an ambition to make the world a better place for endangered species and for the most marginalized children. Therefore, we donate a share of our revenue on our RPN product ranges, to the The Red Panda Network.
Thank you for making a difference with us.

Every year we put up a report which tells how far we are with the projects and when they are expected to be completed. Below you can download the various reports which are divided into quarters.